The Gift of Love

Every month I get a notice from my friend and yours, Joseph Martin, that it’s time for a new blog post (he’s nothing if he’s not persistent). This month, as in the past, the request came in an email addressed to a long list of contributors to this fine online establishment. Here’s what it said…


New beginnings. Sounds redundant, I know. I almost changed that opening, but it’s really correct. New beginnings. One thing that all new beginnings have in common is that they are built on something that came before it. If you’re starting from scratch, then this isn’t a new beginning. It’s either new or it’s a beginning,…

A Legacy of Christmas

Legacy: something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past. I think about Legacy a lot in my job. I have the honor, privilege and challenge of sitting in the same position that my father, Fred, sat for almost thirty years. His name is the company name. I even have…

Don’t Fence Me In….signed God

We hear a great deal about diversity these days.  Truth is, we’ve always been a diverse society in the US.  Our population comes from everywhere. Literally.  The American culture is really a combination of influences from Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America.  We even have absorbed traditions from the natives who occupied the land for centuries before the explorers…

The One

I tell people that I’ve spent my entire life in Los Angeles.  Born and Raised:  The Few, The Proud.  And, it’s almost entirely true.  Almost. When I was in college many moons ago, I had the opportunity to study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.  For my junior year I spent my days and nights…

Martin and the Doors

John Parker is a writer who needs no introduction – and so I won’t. Fred Bock Music Company recently released a new children’s musical to help churches commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, which happens this year.  Did you know that?  500 years of Protestants arguing about predestination, whether the clergy or the laity…


For those of us who worship at a church that follows the liturgical calendar and traditions, the season of Lent can seem dark and heavy. The time of year is marked by cold, cloudy skies full of rain or snow. The weight of the ever-present gray can get to even the most optimistic of souls…

A Hinshaw Classic

“The kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.” Matthew 13:45-46 We’ve all heard these two verses before in Sunday School or a sermon (usually on tithing, right?!?!) on Sunday morning….

Something Old, Something New

We’ve all heard the rhyme that brides repeat for their weddings: Something old… Something new Something borrowed… Something blue. It’s hard to imagine, but someone actually wrote those words.  It’s been around forever, and now its just part of our collective cultural DNA.   It’s the same thing with church music.  Some of our favorite…